Course curriculum

    1. Course Goals And Objectives

    1. We know that our schools provide more than learning

    2. 1.1a: "If everything is trauma, then nothing is trauma."

    3. 1.1b: A Silent Epidemic

    4. 1.1c: Self-Reflection Question

    5. 1.2a: Some Children Have a Higher Prevalence of Exposure to Adverse and Traumatic Life Events

    6. 1.2b: Further reading on Prevalence of Exposure to Adverse and Traumatic Life Events

    7. 1.3a: Attending to Trauma Among Our Students Advances Educational Equity

    8. 1.3b: Collective Reflection Question

    9. 1.4a: All Behavior is Communication. Are You Open to Hearing What Your Students Are Saying?

    10. 1.4b: Challenging behaviors began as functional behaviors

    11. 1.4c: Coping Responses

    12. 1.4d: The Heart of Learning...

    13. 1.4e: Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping

    14. 1.4f: Collective Reflection Question

    15. 1.5a: Attending to Trauma Will Improve the Outcomes for Which You Are Held Accountable.

    16. 1.5b: Falls Hamilton Elementary (Edutopia)

    17. Closing Reflection

    1. 2.1a: Trauma Responsive Educational Practices Requires Your Head, Your Heart, And Your Hands

    2. 2.1b: Bringing Trauma to School

    3. 2.1c: The Educational Experience of Three Youths

    4. 2.1d: Self-Reflection On Motivations To Do This Work

    5. 2.2a: The Educator-Student Relationship Is A Developmental Relationship

    6. 2.2b: The Developmental Relationships Framework

    7. 2.2c: Developmental Relationships From The Perspective Of Children And Youth

    8. 2.2d: Every Kid Needs A Champion

    9. 2.3a: Not Asking Educators To become Counselors, we are asking...

    10. 2.4a: Educators Have The Opportunity To Utilize Their Pedagogical Skills Toward Advancing An Instructional Approach To Behavior Management

    11. 2.4b: Pendulum Swings Of Education Reform

    12. 2.4c: Educator Response To Academic vs. Behavioral Errors

    13. 2.4d: Self-Reflection On Students In Your Class

    1. Check in with and take care of yourself;

    1. 3.1a: Positive, Tolerable, And Toxic Stress

    2. 3.1b: Effects Of Stress

    3. 3.1c: Collective Reflection: A Moment For Positive Thinking

    4. 3.2a: Trauma And The Developing Brain

    5. 3.2b: The Biology Of Stress & Trauma

    6. 3.2c: The Neurobiology Of Trauma & Dysregulation

    7. 3.2d: Understanding PTSD's Effects On Brain, Body, And Emotions

    8. 3.2e: Self-Reflection: 3-2-1

    9. 3.3a. Individual Differences In Response To Traumatic Events

    10. 3.3b: Variation In Intensity Of Response To Potentially Traumatic Events

    11. 3.4a: Consequences Of Traumatic Stress

    12. 3.4b: Self-Reflection: Who Are The Students Coping With Trauma?

    13. 3.5a: Triggers At School And In The Classroom

    14. 3.5b: Emotions Begin Driving Behavior Before Rational Decision-Making Begins Processing

    15. 3.5c: Identifying Triggers Among Your Students

    16. 3.5d: What About Educator Triggers?

    17. 3.5e: Identifying Your Personal Triggers

    18. 3.5f: Collective Reflection: What's Your Trigger

    19. 3.6a: Educator Self-Care

    20. 3.6b: Self-Care Alternate Ideas While Sheltering-in-Place

    21. 3.6c: Start NOW, With Mindfulness In Nature

    22. 3.7a: Creating Safety At School

    23. 3.7b: A Closer Look At Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

    24. 3.7c: Three Types of Safety

    25. 3.7d: Classroom Strategies For Students Experiencing Challenges With Behavioral And Emotional Self-Regulation

    26. 3.7e: Collective Reflection: Ideas For Creating Safety At School

    1. 4.1a: Embedding Universal Precautions Into The Culture Of The Classroom

    2. 4.1b: Enhance Your Expertise With Providing Corrective Feedback

    3. 4.1c: TREP Matched To Domains of Impairment

    4. 4.2a: Domain 1: Neurobiological Dysregulation

    5. 4.2b: What Educators And Students Say About Mindfulness

    6. 4.2c: Strategy: Integrating Mindfulness In Your Classroom Schedule

    7. 4.3a: Domain 2: Attachment

    8. 4.3b: Strategy: Be A Relationship Coach

    9. 4.4a: Domain 3: Behavioral Regulation

    10. 4.4b: Strategy: Reinforce, Remind, Redirect

    11. 4.5a: Domain 4: Emotional Regulation

    12. 4.5b: Strategy: Regular Emotional Check-Ins

    13. 4.6a: Domain 5: Self-Image

    14. 4.6b: Strategy: Maximize Use Of Supportive Language During Disciplinary Corrections

    15. 4.7a: Domain 6: Dissociation

    16. 4.7b: Strategy: Grounding

    17. 4.8a: Domain 7: Thinking & Learning

    18. 4.8b: Strategy: Mini-Lessons

    19. 4.9a: Prevention And Management Of Educator Stress

    20. 4.9b: Are You At Risk For Secondary Traumatic Stress?

    21. 4.9c: Attending To Your Well-Being

    22. 4.9d: Attending To Collective Well-Being

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  • 81 lessons
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