This course will support you in understanding:
What trauma is and the neuroscience behind the behaviors presented by students who have experienced trauma
A framework for strategies that can transform schools and classrooms into contexts that promote post-traumatic growth
The evidence-based benefits for investing in ensuring that your pedagogical practices can meet the psychological, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs of students coping with trauma
Quick start universal precaution practices
By the end of this course, you will have increased your toolbox of strategies:
  • Awareness of the prevalence of childhood trauma and the effects on learning
  • Strategies for going beyond reacting to surface-level acting-out behaviors
  • Assessing and adjusting the classroom environment to implement supportive universal precautions
During this course you will complete:

Learning Assignments - Identify opportunities for improvement

Reflection and Practice Assignments - Complete self-assessments to adapt the strategies to meet the needs of students in your school

Course curriculum

    1. Course Goals and Objectives

    2. National Board of Professional Teaching Standards

    1. 1.1 Intro: The Benefits of Relational Discipline

    2. Add your thoughts to the discussion

    3. 1.1a: "If everything is trauma, then nothing is trauma."

    4. 1.1a Check My Understanding

    5. 1.1a Self-Reflection

    6. 1.1b: A Silent Epidemic

    7. 1.1b Check My Understanding

    8. 1.2a: Some Children Have a Higher Prevalence of Exposure to Adverse and Traumatic Life Events

    9. 1.2a Check My Understanding

    10. 1.2b: How Educators Can be Impacted By Students' Traumas

    11. 1.2c: ACES and Children's Mental Health in Schools

    12. 1.2c Check My Understanding

    13. 1.3a: Attending to Trauma Among Our Students Advances Educational Equity

    14. 1.3a: Collective Reflection

    15. 1.4a: All Behavior is Communication. Are You Open to Hearing What Your Students Are Saying?

    16. 1.4a: Self-Reflection

    17. 1.5a: Coping Responses

    18. 1.5a: Self-Reflection

    19. 1.6a: Task Oriented Labeling Of Behaviors

    20. 1.6a: Collective Reflection

    21. 1.7a: Attending to Trauma Will Improve the Outcomes for Which You Are Held Accountable

    22. 1.7a: Self-Reflection

    23. 1.7b: Fall-Hamilton Elementary (Edutopia)

    24. Lesson 1 Closing Collective Reflection

    1. 2.1a: From the Student's Perspective

    2. 2.1b: The Educational Experience of Three Youths

    3. 2.1c: Check My Understanding

    4. 2.2a: The Educator-Student Relationship Is A Developmental Relationship

    5. 2.2a: Check My Understanding

    6. 2.2b: The Educator-Student Relationship Is A Developmental Relationship

    7. 2.2c: The Developmental Relationships Framework

    8. 2.2d: Developmental Relationships From The Perspective Of Children And Youth

    9. 2.2d: Check My Understanding

    10. 2.2e: Self-Reflection

    11. 2.2f: Every Kid Needs A Champion

    12. 2.3a: Not Asking Educators To become Counselors, We Are Asking...

    13. 2.3a: Check My Understanding

    14. 2.4a: Educators Have The Opportunity To Utilize Their Skills To Advancing An Instructional Approach To Behavior Management

    15. 2.4a: Check My Understanding

    16. 2.4b: Pendulum Swings Of Education Reform

    17. 2.4b: Check My Understanding

    18. 2.4c: Educator Response To Academic vs. Behavioral Errors

    19. 2.4c: Check My Understanding

    20. 2.4d: Self-Reflection On Students In Your Class

    1. Check in with and take care of yourself;

    1. 3.1a: How Stress Goes From Positive To Tolerable To Toxic

    2. 3.1a Check My Understanding

    3. 3.1b Check My Understanding

    4. 3.1b: Effects Of Stress

    5. 3.1c: Collective Reflection: A Moment For Positive Thinking

    6. 3.2a: Trauma And The Developing Brain

    7. 3.2a Check My Understanding

    8. 3.2b: The Biology Of Stress & Trauma

    9. 3.2b: Check My Understanding

    10. 3.2c: The Neurobiology Of Trauma And Dysregulation

    11. 3.2c: Check My Understanding

    12. 3.2d: Understanding PTSD's Effects On Brain, Body, And Emotions

    13. 3.2e: Self-Reflection: 3-2-1

    14. 3.3a: Individual Differences In Intensity Of Response To Traumatic Events

    15. 3.3b: Check My Understanding

    16. 3.3c: Variation In Intensity Of Response To Potentially Traumatic Events

    17. 3.3d: Check My Understanding

    18. 3.4a: Consequences Of Traumatic Stress

    19. 3.4b: Check My Understanding

    20. 3.4c: Self-Reflection: Who Are The Students Coping With Trauma?

    21. 3.5a: Triggers At School And In The Classroom

    22. 3.5b: Check My Understanding

    23. 3.5c: Self-Reflection

    24. 3.5d: Emotions Begin Driving Behavior Before Rational Decision-Making Begins Processing

    25. 3.5e: Check My Understanding

    26. 3.5g: Check My Understanding

    27. 3.5f: Identifying Triggers Among Your Students

    28. 3.6a: What About Educator Triggers?

    29. 3.6b: Check My Understanding

    30. 3.6c: Identify Your Personal Triggers

    31. 3.6d: Collective Reflection: What's Your Trigger

    32. 3.7a: Educator Self-Care

    33. 3.7a: Educator Self-Care

    34. 3.7b: Check My Understanding

    35. 3.7d: Self-Care Alternate Ideas While Social Distancing

    36. 3.7c: Self-Reflection

    37. 3.7e: Start NOW, With Mindfulness In Nature

    38. 3.8a: Creating Safety At School

    39. 3.8c: A Closer Look At Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

    40. 3.8b: Check My Understanding

    41. 3.8d: Check My Understanding

    42. 3.8e: Three Types of Safety

    43. 3.8g: Classroom Strategies For Students Experiencing Challenges With Behavioral And Emotional Self-Regulation

    44. 3.8f: Check My Understanding

    45. 3.8h: Check My Understanding

    46. 3.8i: Collective Reflection: Ideas For Creating Safety At School

    1. 4.1a: Embedding Universal Precautions Into The Culture Of The Classroom

    2. 4.1b: Check My Understanding

    3. 4.1c: Self-Reflection

    4. 4.1e: Check My Understanding

    5. 4.1d: Enhance Your Expertise With Providing Corrective Feedback

    6. 4.1f: TREP Matched To Domains Of Impairment

    7. 4.1g: Check My Understanding

    8. 4.2a: Domain 1: Neurobiological Dysregulation

    9. 4.2b: Check My Understanding

    10. 4.2c: Self-Reflection

    11. 4.2d: What Educators And Students Say About Mindfulness

    12. 4.2e: Strategy: Integrating Mindfulness In Your Classroom Schedule

    13. 4.2f: Check My Understanding

    14. 4.3a: Domain 2: Attachment

    15. 4.3b: Check My Understanding

    16. 4.3c: Self-Reflection

    17. 4.3d: Strategy: Be A Relationship Coach

    18. 4.3e: Check My Understanding

    19. 4.4a: Domain 3: Behavioral Regulation

    20. 4.4b: Check My Understanding

    21. 4.4c: Self-Reflection

    22. 4.4d: Strategy: Reinforce, Remind, Redirect

    23. 4.5a: Domain 4: Emotional Regulation

    24. 4.5b: Check My Understanding

    25. 4.5c: Strategy: Regular Emotional Check-Ins

    26. 4.5d: Check My Understanding

    27. 4.6a: Domain 5: Self-Image

    28. 4.6b: Self-Reflection

    29. 4.6c: Strategy: Maximize Use Of Supportive Language During Disciplinary Corrections

    30. 4.7a: Domain 6: Dissociation

    31. 4.7b: Check My Understanding

    32. 4.7c: Strategy: Grounding

    33. 4.8a: Domain 7: Thinking & Learning

    34. 4.8b: Check My Understanding

    35. 4.8c: Self-Reflection

    36. 4.8d: Strategy: Mini-Lessons

    37. 4.8e: Check My Understanding

    38. 4.9a: Prevention And Management Of Educator Stress

    39. 4.9b: Check My Understanding

    40. 4.9c: Are You At Risk For Secondary Traumatic Stress?

    41. 4.9e: Attending To Your Well-Being

    42. 4.9d: Check My Understanding

    43. 4.9f: Check My Understanding

    44. 4.9g: Attending To Collective Well-Being

    45. 4.9h: Check My Understanding

    46. 4.9i: Self-Reflection

About this course

  • 143 lessons
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Understanding Trauma & Trauma Responsive Educational Practices

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